How to stretch like a yoga pro

How to stretch like a yoga pro

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Discover your inner yogi with these 5 stretches from our very own Wellbeing Coach Kate Kendall.

Cow face - lateral bend

Great for

Stretching hips, side waist and shoulders

How to

From a seated posture, lean back and cross right leg over left so that right knee stacks on top of left. If this causes pain in knees, simple unfold the bottom (left leg) or sit onto a block.

Lengthen spine. Inhale left arm up and overhead and then exhale relax left shoulder.

Take 10 deep breaths before swapping sides. 

ITB cross

Great for

Stretching the ITB (band that runs down side of leg) plus hamstrings.

How to

From a standing posture, step your right foot across the left (as pictured). Inhale lengthen your spine and exhale fold forward keeping the spine as neutral and long as possible.

With finger tips resting on floor, play around with either letting outer edges of feet or dropping them to ease into a sensation that needs it the most (i.e. the area that feels most restricted or tight).

Take 10 deep breaths before swapping sides. 

Prasarita (standing forward fold - wide leg)

Great for

Stretching hamstrings, inner thighs and lower back.

How to

With feet wide and toes turned in, inhale lengthen the spine and exhale fold forward.

If palms come to the ground easily, walk heels of hands back in line with heels of feet and if not, simple place finger tips to floor or block (or try taking feet wider).

Press into outer edges of feet, lift thighs up into hip creases and tilt your tail bone forward.

Take 10 deep breaths.

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Lizard quad stretch

Great for

Stretching hips, shoulders and quads

How to

from a lunging position with right foot forward, bend left knee and grab a hold of left ankle with right hand. Turn slightly to right to get a bonus subtle twist from this posture. Inhale tuck tailbone and exhale ease your hips towards the earth. 

Heroes in reverse namaste

Great for

Stretching chest, shoulders, wrists, quads and arches of feet and great for digestion.

How to

From a kneeling posture (note – if really uncomfortable or places too much strain on knees, sit onto a block). Inhale arms out shoulder height. Internally rotate your shoulders or face palms down then back. Exhale either grab a hold of elbows or press palms together (as pictured).

Take 10 deep breaths. 

This article first appeared on Nine Coach