Top 5 fitness trends for 2023

Top 5 Fitness Trends for 2022-2023

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With all new kinds of technology and workouts emerging, here are our top 5 picks for fitness trends to try this year.

Wearable technology

Wearable activity trackers are devices that provide feedback to the wearer. These products include fitness trackers, activity-tracking smartwatches, and pedometers. Such wearable devices were listed as one of the top 8 key trends in The Welltodo 2022 Consumer Wellness Trends Report. 

Wearable activity trackers help people improve their exercise habits and promote self monitoring and goal setting of physical activity. A literature review in The Lancet Digital Health in August 2022 concluded there is sufficient evidence to recommend wearable activity trackers to complement programs to increase physical activity.

However, it's about more than just tracking steps. The latest devices can track more fitness metrics than ever and provide feedback to guide you on your fitness journey. For example, they can take an ECG reading, monitor sleep quality, measure blood oxygen saturation, and even stress levels. 

This trend allows consumers to take control of their health and track progress and change. This tracking will enable users to make more sense of their health data. Some brands, such as Oura and Fitbit, provide the function for wears that help them decide whether the body is ready for a rest or a heavy workout.

Metrics of measure include sleep, activity, other bodily signals, and resting heart rate.

Functional Fitness

The Global Wellness Institute lists functional fitness as one of its top wellness and fitness trends. Functional fitness is about training your body to perform optimally in everyday activities rather than purely being about a gym workout. These exercises focus on strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. According to the GWI, the recent global stresses have shifted our priorities to caring for our bodies and building them for resilience for everyday activities, not just fitness. 

These functional exercises are those that we may use daily, including heavy lifting, climbing, and jumping. F45's functional workout is an example of this. There has also been an increased interest in positive stress training programs such as the Wim Hof program, which consists of exercises involving cold and breathwork. 

Metaverse for fitness

According to the Global Wellness Institute, the metaverse influences the fitness sector. There are gamification models where you receive monetary rewards for participation and virtual multimedia events. 'Supernatural' is an example of a virtual reality platform where you can participate in high-intensity workouts set in other worlds. These "fitness games" provide innovative ways for people to engage in movement.

It is termed 'Fitutainment' in The Welltodo 2022 Consumer Wellness Trends Report, recognising the rise in consumer demand for fitness as a form of entertainment. 

Gamification of fitness was also listed in Les Mills' top 10 fitness trends for 2022. The success of gamified fitness platforms like Zwift and the growing impact of the metaverse is sparking a new generation of immersive workouts to offer participants an exhilarating fitness experience.

Now, new move-to-earn companies pay people in various ways to exercise. These include companies like Bitcoin, Walken, and STEPN that pay you cryptocurrency by exercising in the metaverse.  

Global Fit members can buy non fungible tokens (NFT) to earn free access to gyms. 

Outdoor fitness

According to the American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal's Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2022, more outdoor activities have become popular. Examples include small group walks, group rides, or organized hiking groups have become popular. It reports this may be due to the COVID pandemic. The GWI listed urban playgrounds as one of its top global wellness trends. Metropolitan cities are transforming into urban oases, forests, and farms, providing opportunities for accessible and affordable wellness.  

Examples of these "urban playgrounds" are those where you can combine wellness and fitness with nature. These include free pop up wellness and fitness classes, man made beaches, and even water sports in the cities. These provide more affordable and accessible opportunities for people to engage in wellness and fitness. 

For example, a new riverside park in London, The Tide, offers meditation and free yoga classes.

Hybrid offerings of fitness classes

According to Les Mills' Top 10 key fitness trends for 2022 report, digital workouts aren't going anywhere. Most exercisers favour a split between the gym and home workouts.

2022 is the first year the home gym equipment trend has appeared on the American College of Sports Medicine's annual global survey list. This may be due to people opting to work out at home for hygiene and convenience.

A combination of both is an excellent option for people to take part in live classes when they can and want to but also experience the convenience of working out at home if they can't.