3 foods for winter training

How to Eat Well to Stay Well when You're Training in Winter

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How to keep your immune system firing when you’re training hard in winter. Expert tips from sports nutritionist Kira Sutherland.

So you have signed up for the Blackmores Sydney Running Festival, and you’re following the training and nutrition programs but what about the colds and flu that inevitably go around during winter

Kids coming home with bugs, sitting on public transport, office mates coming in when they should have stayed home all lead to extra chances of becoming unwell. 

Basically, life can be a mine field of germs!

So how can you support your immune system with foods when you’re training in winter?

3 foods for winter training

Here are a few key immune boosting foods to give some ideas to support your body in the lead up to race day.

  • Blueberries are a great place to start, high in fibre, vitamin C and antioxidants and lower in sugar than many other fruits, they are great to add to smoothies or to have as an afternoon snack
  • Garlic has been used for centuries to help support the immune system. Research suggests it has immune modulating and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be eaten raw in salads or used when making soups and stir-fries
  • Citrus fruit is naturally high in vitamin C, which is a great support to immune e system in times of stress and illness. The fruits eaten whole also contain good amounts of fibre which is fantastic for digestive health

A typical day of healthy eating using the above immune supporting foods looks something like this:

Breakfast smoothie

  • Blueberries
  • Full fat Greek yoghurt
  • Banana
  • Coconut water


  • Protein of choice such as grilled chicken or fish
  • Served with a caprese salad– made with tomato slices, bocconcini cheese, basil leaves, olive oil and fresh garlic


  • Home made sweet potato soup that contains garlic and bone broth
  • Baked salmon or sardines
  • Sauerkraut or kimchi as a side dish


  • Orange or mandarin
  • Raw almonds

Kira Sutherland is a nutritionist & naturopath that specialises in Sports Nutrition. With over 20 years of clinical experience Kira is passionate about working with athletes of all levels. She is the previous Head of Nutrition Department at Nature Care College in Sydney and has lectured in Natural Medicine for well over 15 years both within Australia and overseas.

As a health educator, Kira has worked / consulted with an array of clients including: private colleges, health conferences,corporates, sports teams, individual athletes and the media.

In her spare time Kira is undertaking her Masters of Sports Nutrition,competes in Ironman triathlon and practices what she preaches.