Why is my skin dry?

What Is Causing Your Dry Skin?

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Dry skin is a common complaint, especially in the colder months of the year. Here's how to prevent dryness and keep your skin looking its best.

What causes dry skin?

The appearance of dry skin occurs when the outer layers of skin are depleted of moisture. There are many factors that can cause dry skin making it appear flaky, white, rough, and sometimes causing itchiness.

These include:

  • Ageing - as the skin ages, less oil is produced, causing more dryness and irritation. The skin also becomes thinner, and cells repair and divide more slowly
  • Colder weather can dry out the skin due to less humidity in the air
  • Heating and electric blankets increase moisture loss
  • Gender and life cycle – oestrogen helps to maintain skin moisture and after menopause women often experience more dryness
  • Irritation – washing or being in contact with the wrong products, especially for sensitive skin, can cause dryness. Soaps and detergents can strip away the lipid layer in the skin which not only protect us and give the skin a waterproof coat, but also help prevent allergens and irritants causing irritation and dryness
  • Genetics – some of us are born with dryer skin

More severe conditions such as eczema and dermatitis are largely inherited skin conditions, whereby the skin has an inability to repair damage causing dry, scaly, weeping and even bleeding skin. These skin conditions should be  managed in consultation with your healthcare professional.

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How to get healthy skin

Some ways to maintain healthy supple and glowing skin include:
  • Choosing a soap-free or pH neutral body wash. The skin is made up of layers of skin cells, water and oils. Washing with soaps which are alkaline and not pH balanced can cause dryness. Choose products which are made for sensitive skin as they don’t tend to have as many harsher chemicals which can strip away oils, leaving skin which is dryer
  • Exfoliating the outer dead skin cells as often as needed can help keep skin looking fresh and glowing
  • Showering or bathing in lukewarm to warm water, not hot water. Additional heat can cause moisture loss and skin to dry out. Also, try and minimise the amount of showers taken daily
  • Moisturising the skin with a good quality daily moisturiser especially, in winter
  • Install a humidifier to help maintain moisture and prevent skin dryness
  • Eating a healthy diet that includes variety of nuts and seeds, a source of omega-3; plus fresh fruit and vegetables to get a daily dose of antioxidants
  • Applying aloe vera gel or fresh plant to irritated skin
  • DIY skin care using natural ingredients - here are 4 skin care hacks you can do at home

If your skin does not respond to self-management, it is best to see your healthcare professional.