4 foods for healthier skin

4 Food To Eat For Healthier Skin

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Find out the foods to eat for a healthier glow from within.

What you eat may have a profound effect on your skin health. Creams, lotions, facials and peels can only go so far without proper nutrition and hydration. 

Scientists argue that your skin reflects your general inner health as well as ageing. So there’s no use buying expensive skin products if you’re eating an unhealthy diet.

Researchers rel="noopener noreferrer" have also studied the link between nutrition and acne for years, and several studies have suggested that a non-Western diet is associated with the absence of acne.

What all this means is simple, really: choosing foods that are known to contain skin-enhancing properties will help keep your skin healthy and youthful, and complement your existing beauty regime.

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Try including more of these core skin-health foods in your daily diet if you’re keen to eat your way to healthy skin. 

1. Leafy green vegetables

Leafy greens are nutrient-rich vegetables that are known for being exceptionally good for your health. Many contain lutein and zeaxanthin - ingredients that may help to increase skin hydration and elasticity.

Choose kale, collard greens, swiss chard, spinach and broccoli. The darker the leaf, the better.

2. Fish and seafood

Certain types of fish and seafood are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to reduce inflammation. Fish and seafood also contain protein - a key ingredient in collagen, which may help to keep your skin supple and smooth. 

Opt for sardines and mackerel, which contain high levels of omega-3 and vitamin B3 (nicotinamide), another key ingredient known to help support skin health.

3. Citrus fruits

Many citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, grapefruits and mandarin, are high in vitamin C which helps to maintain your skin’s rel="noopener noreferrer" integrity. Vitamin C plays an important role in collagen synthesis and may also help to prevent against free radical damage to your skin.

Kiwi fruit, capsicum, strawberries, broccoli and cauliflower are also great sources of vitamin C.

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4. Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds contain several important skin health ingredients, including vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which help to support a healthier complexion.

Choose natural almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds and sunflower seeds.

Other ways to look after your skin

  • As well as eating more healthy foods, aim to reduce the amount of unhealthy foods (processed, sugar, saturated fat) in your daily diet
  • Wear sunscreen and a hat whenever you go out in the sun
  • Keep hydrated and drink plenty of water
  • Get adequate rest and 8 hours of sleep each night
  • Take proactive steps to reduce your stress levels
LEARN HOW: Healthy skin- naturally