Move The Way You Want

4 step action plan

Identify the types of exercise you genuinely click with and discover how to keep your muscles and joints in good shape so you can keep on being active.

Sign up ‘Move the way you want’

Making physical activity an everyday ‘thing’ delivers a huge (and wide) range of health perks – no surprises there. But what you might not know is that there are two things that’ll make exercising regularly easier than ever.

The first is finding a way to move that you genuinely enjoy, because when you do that, you’ll not only get a bigger kick out of it, you’re more likely to keep doing it day after day after day.

And the second is doing what you can to keep your body in ‘exercise-ready’ shape. Which is all the more important given that four out of five Australians say some type of pain or ‘niggle’ is limiting their ability to participate in everyday activities, including maintaining their physical fitness . 

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place – this 4-step action plan has been designed to help you do both. 

Time to complete

  • 4 weeks


  • More motivation to move
  • Better sleep, less stress and improved mood
  • Fewer exercise-related joint and muscle niggles


Find an activity you love


Find an activity you love


Exercise shouldn’t be something you feel like you ‘have to do’ – with the right activity, you’ll genuinely want to do it. We’ll show you how to embark on finding your perfect fit. 

Name those niggles


Name those niggles


A lot of us experience aches and pains that hold us back from being active. The first step in turning that around? Listening to your body so you can put your finger on what’s troubling you.

Give your body a helping hand


Give your body a helping hand


Choose wisely and muscle and joint supplements can make a real difference when it comes to alleviating those niggles and protecting against them in future. Discover some need-to-know info.

Recover the right way


Recover the right way


Doing a few simple things post exercise can help your body bounce back and prevent those aches and pains from throwing your activity plans off course in the days and weeks ahead.