
Lemon And Blueberry Power Breakfast Bowl

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Supercharge your post-training breakfast with Roberta Nelson's lemon and blueberry power bowl.

Working out means you need to make sure you replenish your energy stores so that your body is well fuelled and your muscles can recover quickly. That way, you can get back out there sooner and have the spring in your step to get you through the next session.

Protein is a vital part of post-exercise recovery and also aids you in your next workout. When you exercise, your muscles begin to breakdown and their ability to rebuild and restore themselves to be stronger and more efficient relies on how well you nourish your body straight after exercising.

At the same time, you need to replenish your glycogen stores or your muscle energy and this relies on the intake of carbohydrates and fats. By replenishing your muscle’s energy stores you are ensuring they have enough in them to give yourself an intense and quality exercise session the next time around.

The 'Power Up' breakfast bowl is a well-balanced post-training meal that is easy on your system, macronutrient-rich and quick to make straight after a session. The rawnola contains really good amounts of both complex carbohydrates and simple sugars to give back to your glycogen stores. The same goes for the nuts in the smoothie which account for the healthy fats you need post-workout. Find yourself a good vanilla protein powder and you will be ensuring you are getting around 20 grams of protein in that will aid in your muscle recovery and get you out there training again sooner.

Lemon and Blueberry Power Bowl

refined sugar free, high protein, vegan, gluten-free
serves 2 with left-over rawnola

    Lemon Rawnola

    • 10 fresh dates, pitted
    • 1 cup rolled oats, gluten-free if needed
    • Zest of a lemon
    • Juice of half a lemon
    • 1 tsp cinnamon
    • A pinch of salt
    • 1/4 cup activated buckwheat
    • 1/4 cup coconut flakes

    Vanilla and Blueberry Protein Bowl

    • 2 cup frozen blueberries
    • 1 frozen banana
    • 3/4 to 1 cup plant-based milk of your choice
    • 1 handful of cashews or nut of your choice
    • 2 serves of vanilla protein powder

    How to make

    • To make the rawnola, start by adding the dates, oats, lemon zest and juice, cinnamon and salt to a high-speed blender and blitz for 20-30 seconds or until the mixture begins to clump together to resemble granola chunks. Then add the buckwheat and coconut flakes and pulse the mixture 4-5 times to combine. Taste the mixture and add more lemon juice or zest if required then transfer to an airtight container. Store it in the fridge for up to 5 days
    • To make the smoothie bowls, add all the ingredients to the blender jug or food processor bowl (no need to rinse after making the rawnola!) and blitz on high speed for around 1 minute or until the mixture is smooth and creamy. It should be quite thick, like soft serve but if you prefer it thinner then add more milk
    • Divide the smoothie mixture between two bowls then top with a generous handful of the lemon rawnola plus any left over blueberries or banana. Enjoy immediately!

    Roberta of Naturo Medico is a Naturopathic Practitioner who specialises in preventative care and women’s health. From her Melbourne-based clinic, Roberta sees women of all ages wanting to meet their own health goals and assists them on their path with personalised treatments specific to their needs.

    Alongside practice, Roberta shares healthful and nutrient-rich recipes with her readers who inspire her to continue educating on what health and wellbeing means and how it can be achieved.

    Follow @naturomedico on Instagram for more healthy eating inspiration!