How to get more energy

How to Get more Energy

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Looking for a little extra zing in your day? If you find your energy levels are getting zapped, try these simple tricks to help get the bounce back in your step.

Wondering why you’re always low on energy? Instead of blaming a busy lifestyle, there may be other reasons why you’re dragging.

Firstly, it’s important to check with your health professional if you’re feeling low in energy, to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be contributing to your lack of energy.

However, if your general health is pretty good the explanation for your low energy may be found in the food you eat, your daily habits and amount of physical activity you do.

By taking a look at your lifestyle - from energy production to replenishment, you may be able to get a boost in your energy and hopefully your day. Here’s how you can get started.

HOW TIRED ARE YOU? Take the energy quiz!

Nourish your body

A well-balanced diet is important for energy to give your body the fuel and nutrients it needs. Also look at meal planning and try eating three healthy meals a day with daytime two snacks.

There are a number of nutrients that our body needs to help with energy production so choose foods that will help you get an adequate daily intake:
  • Magnesium

    Legumes, whole grains, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables and cocoa
  • B group vitamins

    Legumes, wheat germ, almonds, mushrooms, fish, whole grains, broccoli, potatoes, peanuts and bananas
  • Coenzyme Q10

    Red meat, fish, boiled broccoli, cauliflower, nuts, spinach and soy
While nourishing your body with food with food, don’t forget to keep your body hydrated and drink plenty of water. Drinking water throughout the day can help to prevent dehydration, which may leave you feeling fatigued.

READ MORE: The energy clock

Low Glycaemic index (GI) diet

Sugar fuels your body, giving you energy to keep you physically active - and it’s found in broken down carbohydrates during digestion. But before you go out and eat lots of carbohydrates, know that high levels of sugar in your body can be harmful.

Try to find energy sources from low GI foods that are carbohydrate rich but take longer to break down. Low GI foods can sustain energy production over a longer time period while producing less sugar. Foods to consider are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lentils.

Get more exercise

It may sound like a contradiction that exercise creates energy, but the truth is that the more regularly you exercise, the more likely your energy levels are to increase.

A study published in the journal Psychological Bulletin in 2006 suggested exercise plays a significant role in increasing energy levels, while of course keeping you healthy and active. It may just be time to grab your workout clothes!

Get a good nights' sleep?

Research has indicated that sleep deprivation uses more energy while one of the functions of sleep is to conserve energy. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, you may be waking up feeling tired and in need of a morning coffee.

Try going to sleep at the same time every day, and having a calm bedtime routine before going to sleep.

SLEEP WELL: The perfect bedroom for sleep