Eight easy energisers

8 Easy Energisers to Add to your Life

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Don't get tired, get even. Add some fizz to your daily routine with these simple tips

#1 Eat breakfast

So simple to skip, but a breakfast missed always catches up with you. Making time for a hearty morning meal boosts your metabolism and gives you with energy to burn. Choose carbohydrate-rich foods such as cereals or wholegrain bread – your body relies on glucose for fuel.

#2 Drink up

Get yourself a 1.25 litre water jug and work your way though it over the course of a day. Dehydration leads the mind to function less efficiently.

#3 Sleep well

The average amount of sleep an adult needs is eight hours. Make the changes required to get enough shut-eye.

#4 Meal time mania

Don't skip meals. Going without food for too long allows your blood sugar levels to drop, causing major energy slumps.

#5 Ironed out

For women in particular, make sure you're getting sufficient iron – found in red meat and green leafy vegetables, among other foods.

#6 Be on caffeine alert

One or two cups of tea and/or tea can assist your mental alertness. When you start to reach six or more, however, anxiety and irritability can kick in.

#7 Quit for good

Nicotine robs the blood of oxygen. Considering oxygen and glucose are needed to produce energy, the reasons smokers are often more fatigued is clear.

#8 Relax

Relieve insomnia-inducing stress with a form of relaxation that hits the spot. Experiment with different ideas – such as kayaking, learning an instrument or tango lessons – until you find one that works a treat.