Muesli crunch bars

Recipe: Low FODMAP Muesli Crunch Bars

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Nourish yourself at snack time with one of these nutritious, homemade and wholesome muesli crunch bars.

These muesli crunch bars are low in FODMAP’s, dairy-free and nut-less making them the perfect bar for those with dietary requirements, as a school lunch box treat or just simply for those who love a good snack.

Common food groups that are excluded when on a low FODMAP diet are nuts and dried fruit which means most commercial muesli bars are instantly out of the question. It also makes snacking more difficult as there is no reaching for a healthy handful of nuts which many of us rely on.

The key to successful snacking when you’re on this type of diet is to be prepared and a batch of these bars will do the trick. You don’t need much time to make them and it will stop you from reaching for ‘less than good for you’ foods from the store or your cupboard.

FODMAP-free means mostly nut free and therefore, you can lose out on healthy fats which we need to support your nervous system, your immune system and the health of your skin.

Finding FODMAP-friendly ingredients with equally as impressive fats in them is your solution. Chia seeds, coconut, coconut oil and pumpkin seeds all contain different types of healthy fats which make up for nuts and also ensure that the snack is sustaining enough to satisfy you right up until the next meal.

As well as the healthy fats, these bars are also fibre-rich and contain a good amount of magnesium from both the buckwheat and the cacao nibs.

Magnesium plays a role in blood sugar regulation and healthy nervous system function making these bars a pretty good cure for ‘3:30-itis’.

This recipe is easily altered and you can find information about doing so at the bottom of the page in my tips section. Make them just how you like them with the ingredients you love the most but I suggest you make them as close to the recipe as you can for your first go so you can see how the recipe works.

Happy snacking!

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makes 10 -12 bars


  • ½ cup rice malt syrup
  • 125 grams coconut oil, not melted
  • 1½ cups rolled brown rice flakes
  • 1 cup brown puffed rice
  • ½ cup desiccated coconut
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • ¼ cup activated buckwheat
  • ¼ cup cacao nibs
  • ¼ cup pumpkin seeds
  • 2 tbsp poppy seeds
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • A pinch of salt
  • 50g FODMAP-friendly dark chocolate of your choice to drizzle on your muesli bars

How to make

  • Heat your oven to 180ºC and line a brownie tray with baking paper
  • Add all of the dry ingredients to a large mixing bowl and mix until everything is evenly combined
  • Place the rice malt syrup and coconut oil into a small saucepan and heat it over medium heat until the coconut oil is completely melted. Once melted, turn the heat down to allow the oil and syrup to gently simmer for around 5 minutes. Pour the liquid mixture into the mixing bowl and combine everything again until everything is nice and wet
  • Pour the muesli mix into your prepared baking tray and then, with a piece of cling wrap or baking paper placed over the top, press down on the mixture really hard to make sure everything is sticking together so the bars don’t crumble when they’re done
  • Once they’re pressed, place the tray into the oven to cook for 15 minutes or until the top of your bars are crispy and golden. Remove the tray from the oven and allow the bars to cool before taking them out of the tray. You will need to cool and set the bars completely before you chop them up so place them in the fridge for an hour or two up to overnight
  • Once set, cut them into individual bars and line them up on a piece of baking paper. Gently heat the dark chocolate on the stove in a saucepan until it’s beginning to liquify. Stir the chocolate a little to get the bigger chunks to melt and then with a spoon, drizzle the melted chocolate over your bars. Allow the chocolate to set solid then transfer the bars to an airtight container to be stored in the fridge for up to 2 weeks

Roberta's tips

  • If any of the ingredients are known triggers for you digestive system, then omit them from the recipe or replace with another ingredient that suits you (i.e. swap cacao nibs for more activated buckwheat)
  • If you can’t find brown rice flakes, try rolled quinoa flakes. You might have to play around with the quantities to ensure there are enough flakes to hold the bars together
Roberta of Naturo Medico is a Naturopathic Practitioner who specialises in preventative care and women’s health. From her Melbourne-based clinic, Roberta sees women of all ages wanting to meet their own health goals and assists them on their path with personalised treatments specific to their needs.

Alongside practice, Roberta shares healthful and nutrient-rich recipes with her readers who inspire her to continue educating on what health and wellbeing means and how it can be achieved.

Follow @naturomedico on Instagram for more healthy eating inspiration!