Sticky Date & Ginger Granola Breakfast Recipe

By Roberta Nelson

19 Jul 2018

Delicious, energy-boosting breakfast, with a touch of caramel and spice that beats plain oats any day. Recipe by Roberta Nelson.

Let’s start with flavour. Above all, this granola was created to taste delicious and be a little bit decadent.

The deep caramel taste of maple syrup combines with the chewy pieces of date and ginger to create the taste of sticky date pudding whilst the touch of cinnamon, ginger and orange zest give this granola it’s touch of spice. And decadence? The dark chocolate that pops up throughout will take care of that.

The first glory ingredient is pecans. Pecans are buttery and rich flavoured nuts with a number of health benefits aside from creating happiness with their nostalgic taste of pecan pie. They are a good source of vitamin E as well as B vitamins which make these nuts the perfect addition to the daily diet for supporting overall wellbeing, energy and metabolism.

The second ingredient in focus is dates. Dates are naturally sweet and caramel-like in flavour. Their fibre content makes them useful in keeping your digestion regular and smooth. They also contain vitamin A and beta-carotene which protect against free radicals and give your skin the glow. The gooey, sweet chunks provide little pops of caramel chewiness, a texture that is required for a well-balanced granola mixture.

The spices warm this granola right up and the coconut flakes, almonds, crystallised ginger and chocolate all provide additional nutritional benefits to help you start your day right.

dairy-free, vegan, refined sugar free, gluten-free option

Makes 1 large batch or 4 small jars for gifts


How to make

Roberta of Naturo Medico is a Naturopathic Practitioner who specialises in preventative care and women’s health. From her Melbourne-based clinic, Roberta sees women of all ages wanting to meet their own health goals and assists them on their path with personalised treatments specific to their needs.

Alongside practice, Roberta shares healthful and nutrient-rich recipes with her readers who inspire her to continue educating on what health and wellbeing means and how it can be achieved.

Follow @naturomedico on Instagram for more healthy eating inspiration!