6 ways with avocado

6 Ways to Eat More Avocado

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Nutritious and versatile, find out why avocado is the food star on the rise.

Once used for not much more than as an accompaniment to the classic prawn cocktail, the humble avocado has come a long way. 

Avocados are a nutritious, versatile and delicious fruit and have become the food du jour for good reason.

Why eat avocados

Here are just a few of the essential nutrients you'll find in avocados.

Healthy fats

Avocados contain monounsaturated fatty acids & plant sterols- which have researchers interested in its heart health benefits. 

Research suggests that one Hass avocado a day, as part of a moderate fat diet, helped reduce cholesterol and had other beneficial effects for the heart.


Avocadoes are an excellent source of potassium.  Potassium is an essential nutrient that plays a role in all of our bodies systems. It helps support muscle and nerve cell function, heart function and acid-base balance. 
Avocado recipes

Zesty matcha guacamole & sweet potato chips
Raspberry & avocado smoothie


Plays a fundamental role in many bodily functions however most importantly is essential in the synthesis of our DNA.


Magnesium is involved in over 600 processes that take place in our body, including an important role in the function of the brain, heart, and skeletal muscles. 

One of the most important roles magnesium plays in our body can be its role in protein synthesis, essential for strong and healthy muscle.

6 ways to enjoy avocado

  • Dips

    Blitz or mash an avocado (depending on the consistency you prefer) add some red onion, chopped cherry tomatoes, coriander and a squeeze of lime for a delicious guacamole
  • Smoothies

    Add avocado to your green smoothies to fill nutritional gaps and thicken the consistency
  • Salads

    Chopped avocado sprinkled on top of a beautiful leafy salad will spruce up even the most boring recipes
  • Cake

    Using avocados in baking is a fantastic way to reduce the oil content and still maintain flavour!
  • Chocolate ganache

    Blend 1 avocado with1 tbs of cacao &1 tbs of honey for a rich chocolate ganache
  • Nice cream

    When that sugar craving hits, be ready. Have frozen avocados prepared in the freezer, add to a blender with frozen banana, some cacao and maple syrup, blitz till ice cream consistency. You may need to add a splash of plant based milk depending on the power of your blender