How to go zero waste

8 Simple Ways To Live Cleaner And Go Zero Waste

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Want to live cleaner, lighter and more sustainably? Here are 8 easy ways to go zero waste.

What is going zero waste?

Going zero waste is when you aim to divert 90 per cent or more of your waste away from landfill.

Why do it?

A huge portion of the waste we generate ends up in landfill, which in turn, produces methane gases that contributes to climate change.

It’s estimated that Australians use up to four billion plastic bags a year, and that we throw out between $8 and $10 billion worth of food – or one bag of groceries for every five we buy. Going zero waste means drastically reducing your carbon footprint, helping to preserve the environment and to slow down the effects of climate change.

8 ways to go zero waste

1. Don’t drink or buy bottled water

According to the US Institute for Sustainable Communication, almost every piece of plastic ever made still exists today. Plastic water bottles account for one in every ten items collected on Clean Up Australia Day, say volunteers, so opt instead for a reusable bottle.

If you like beautifully designed bottles, try these.

2. Carry your own shopping bags

Australians dump 7,150 recyclable plastic bags into landfill every minute, reports Clean Up Australia. Always bring your own bags when shopping, and take your own containers for holding fruit and veg when you’re at the supermarket or bulk store.

3. Ditch single use coffee cups and takeaway containers

While the plastic lids on coffee cups are recyclable, most cups themselves contain a layer of polyethylene which make them difficult to be recycled effectively. Invest in a Keep Cup or other reusable coffee cup.

When ordering takeaway food, bring your own container, as well as a travel set of cutlery to eat with if you’re out and about.

4. Use bulk soaps at home

Instead of buying individual pump dispensers and cleansing liquids for your hand, body, laundry, and dish wash, Castile Soap is an all-in-one product you can buy in bulk.

Try Dr Bronner’s, which you can order in one-litre bottles and siphon into smaller, reusable dispensers.
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5. Love your leftovers

Australians waste one third of the food we buy, says the World Wildlife Fund, so save leftover food rather than tossing it.

Freeze portions in airtight containers. To keep your food fresher for longer in the fridge, have the temperature at 4°C or lower.

6. Buy second-hand threads

Surprisingly, carbon emissions associated with clothing use and production is responsible for three per cent of global emissions, reports the Carbon Trust. You can positively impact upon this by buying second hand clothes, thereby reducing the demand for new clothes.

As well as the usual suspects of the Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul stores, join ‘buy, swap and sell’ Facebook and community pages that share clothing for sale in your area.

7. Go digital

The average Aussie office worker uses almost 10,000 sheets of paper a year, half of which end up in landfill, according to 2009 figures from Clean Up Australia.

Take notes on your laptop, and for your personal affairs, elect to receive bills and statements electronically rather than via the post.

8. Simplify your cleaning supplies and cosmetics

Substitute heavy-duty cleaning products such as bleach with an effective home remedy cleaner: white vinegar and baking soda.

Also make your own cosmetics, such as raw sugar and olive oil exfoliant, and jojoba oil cleanser and makeup remover. One Green Planet has penned this DIY beauty guide here.