Cacao bites

Recipe: Cacao and Mixed Seed Power Bites

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Just finished a workout but your next meal is still hours away? Or are you heading into a long day and know you will need an extra boost of energy? These little power bites are the perfect option to have packed away so you can grab one whenever the energy slump hits.

Identifying the moments when you might need a boost and ensuring you have suitable snacks on hand is key to making sure you get the right foods in when energy is in high demand. 

Leave yourself unarmed in these moments and you’re likely to reach for something energy dense but low in nutrition, like a sugar packed biscuit, cake or chocolate. 

The bites might be small but they are incredibly mighty. They are jam-packed with energy dense, nutrient rich ingredients including fresh dates, peanut butter and super seeds meaning one little bite will satiate you in moments. 

Thanks to their impressive fibre and healthy fat content, these bites have been created to keep you fuller for longer and give you the energy hit you need to get you through.

Vegan, gluten-free

Makes 12 bites


  • 6 tbsp crunchy peanut butter, salted or unsalted*
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil, melted but cool
  • 4 fresh dates, pitted
  • 2 tbsp cacao
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ cup mixed seeds, roughly chopped. Consider pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds and sesame seeds
Toppings - bee pollen, roughly chopped dried goji berries or dried mango, roughly chopped coconut flakes

*Add a pinch of salt if your peanut butter is unsalted

How to make

  • Combine all the ingredients, excluding the seeds, in a blender or food processor on a medium-high speed until well blended and smooth. Then gently fold the seeds through the mixture so they are mixed through evenly
  • Push the mixture into a silicone mould tray, top with any of your toppings and place into the freezer to set. Once solid, tip them out of the tray, place into a storage container and store in the fridge for up to one month