Your 5 Step Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

5 step action plan

Simple, actionable tips for a healthy, happy pregnancy.

Sign up Your guide to a positive pregnancy

You’re pregnant. Congratulations! Regardless of whether you’re 6 weeks or 36 weeks, you’re probably feeling a little overwhelmed at the sheer amount of information and advice out there.

That’s where this action plan comes in. Your guide to a positive pregnancy has been created to help you towards achieving a healthy and happy pregnancy, simply. 

Over five weeks, you’ll discover how making modest changes to your existing routine can help you to be healthier, boost your energy levels and get the most out of your pregnancy journey.

It’s all about helping you to help yourself and your little one – and, importantly, staying positive during the pregnancy rollercoaster!

Time to complete

  • 5 weeks


  • Feel happier
  • Sleep better
  • Worry less
  • Be more present


Create a healthy diet plan


Create a healthy diet plan

When you’re pregnant, what you eat – as well as how much you eat – impacts your mood in different ways. While it’s important to eat a healthy, nutritious diet, there are certain foods you should steer clear of, too.

This week you’re going to create the perfect pick-me-up pregnancy diet!

Develop a pregnancy exercise regime


Develop a pregnancy exercise regime

Exercise helps to improve your mood  as well as help you sleep better  Find an exercise that you enjoy doing, and aim to do it three times per week. Committing to regular exercise can make it easier to get back in shape after your baby is born, and if you spend time outdoors in the sunshine you’ll also be getting an extra boost of vitamin D which is great for your health and wellbeing, too!

Check your supplementation


Check your supplementation

When you’re pregnant, it’s very important to ensure that you are meeting the recommended nutritional requirements for yourself and your unborn baby. Certain nutrients are recommended at different stages.

Check out the Blackmores pregnancy range or speak to your healthcare professional about whether a supplement might be something that could help you to have a healthy pregnancy.

Be more mindful


Be more mindful

It’s normal to feel a little anxious from time to time when you’re pregnant. Many mothers worry about the birth, the pregnancy itself or the unknown that awaits you when your precious bundle enters the world. 

But if stress and anxiety are feelings you’re battling more often than not, it’s important to develop strategies to deal with these emotions. Mindfulness is a fantastic stress-reducing technique to keep those anxious thoughts away. Researchers have looked at the beneficial effects of mindfulness on stressed pregnant women, and they’ve found that it helps to reduce anxiety and worry – a benefit that continues long after the baby is born.

Source: Guardino CM et al, Psychol Health. 2014;29(3):334-49

Focus on what matters


Focus on what matters

Pregnancy is a time when you’ll be given information left, right and centre. It can help to take a step back and consider what’s really important, right now – as opposed to trying to prepare too far into the future.