5 Superfoods to Improve Your Diet

By Blackmores

28 Dec 2017

Enjoy a healthier diet - all day, every day - it's easier than you think!

1. Get juicing

A stack of healthy ingredients can be far less daunting when it’s been zapped through a juicer.

Juicing is a great way to deliver nutrients, fast, and it’s easy to add powders, seeds, spices and tinctures to your juice for even more health benefits.

Try adding ginger to boost flavour –and it’s traditionally eaten to aid digestion, spirulina for an antioxidant boost, matcha green tea powder for a vitality boost or cold-pressed vegetable oils for skin health.

Superfood tip - Add goji berries, blueberries, cacao, or ground pepitas for an extra-healthy drink.

2. Better your breakfast

Don't settle for a boring breakfast – it's the most important meal of the day, after all. Add berries, nuts and oils to your cereal or porridge. It'll taste better, and will add some important nutrients and vitamins to your daily intake too.

MAKE THIS: Cacao mousse breakfast bowl with nutty buckwheat granola

Superfood tip - Avoid mass-produced, highly processed cereals, as they tend to be high in sodium and have added sugars. Instead, try adding pepitas, nuts or coconut and mix with oats for a powerful morning punch.

3. Go smooth

Smoothies aren't just for breakfast. They’re a great booster mid-morning, pre- or post-workout, or to beat that afternoon slump. Use water, coconut water or milk alternatives as a base, and add fresh fruit, berries, nuts and powders to your mix.

By including at least 5 grams of protein, such as nuts, or powders such as whey you'll feel fuller for longer and, if you’ve just finished a workout, it will help with muscle recovery and growth.

Superfood tip - Try using an avocado or vegetables in your smoothie. Ingredients such as spinach and kale all blend well and will turn your smoothie into a super snack.

Juices vs. smoothies- what's better?>

4. Cook healthily

Baking your favourite snacks doesn't have to be relegated to the “unhealthy indulgences” zone of your diet. You can make the most of the health benefits of ingredients such as berries, nuts, oils, powders and flours by including them in your dough mixtures.

Superfood tip - Consider the healthy alternatives to a recipe’s sugary ingredients. Try muffins with cacaopowder (instead of sugary chocolate) or with added blueberry powder, goji berries, and topped with nuts. Keep your portions small for a low-kilojoule, but healthy snack.

5. Carry smart snacks

When you're hungry and unprepared, you're more likely to reach for an instant sugary hit, such as a chocolate bar, fizzy drink or high-GI snack. These can add unnecessary kilojoules to your daily intake, and are unlikely to offer any health benefits. Instead, ensure you’ve always packed a small supply of pepitas, nuts or your own baked boosters (see tip 4), to ward off those hunger pains.

And don't forget to carry water with you at all times: jazz it up by adding a squeeze of lemon, berries, coconut water or fresh herbs, such as mint, parsley or basil.

Superfood tip - A small handful of nuts give you protein, healthy fats and fibre and can help you feel fuller for longer. Use small zip lock bags for portion control and easy transport.