Fuel Your Post Workout With When Perfect Smoothie

By Kira Sutherland

23 Apr 2018

Re-fuel the right way with Kira Sutherland’s tips on post-training nutrition.

Whether you're running a half or full marathon, getting ready for takes a lot of commitment and training hours. One of the best ways to support your body with a heavy training schedule is to make sure that you re-fuel properly after each workout.

Many time people will squeeze in their early morning training and then not eat breakfast until they have gotten to work a few hours later and by then they have missed the boat of optimum fuelling and recovery for their glycogen stores.

One of the easiest ways to re-fuel after a workout is the smoothie, its quick to make and easy to take with you on your way to work, school or wherever you need to go.

Post training your body is looking to make more glycogen (stored carbohydrates) as well as to repair damaged muscle tissue. A great ratio to aim for with carbohydrates and proteins post training is a 3:1 or a 4:1 of carbohydrate:protein.

Many people are under the assumption that they need a ‘protein drink’ after training and don’t know that carbohydrates are also a big part of the equation at this time.

So how do you make the perfect ratio smoothie? There are millions of amazing smoothie recipes out there for you to try but you need to get that ratio right.

Let’s take a look at what simple ingredients it takes to get you to the right ratios for optimum recovery and restocking of your fuel tank for your next training session.

Think about how you chose the ingredients depending on their carbohydrate or protein content and it will make the planning much easier.

The nutrition guide for the marathon contains lists of many foods and their protein and carbohydrate content or many training apps will break down foods or recipes for you.

Post-training chocolate berry bang smoothie

This smoothie has approximately 60 grams of carbohydrate and 23 grams of protein, which is very close to a 3:1 ratio.

Kira Sutherland is a nutritionist & naturopath that specialises in Sports Nutrition. With over 20 years of clinical experience Kira is passionate about working with athletes of all levels. She is the previous Head of Nutrition Department at Nature Care College in Sydney and has lectured in Natural Medicine for well over 15 years both within Australia and overseas.

As a health educator, Kira has worked / consulted with an array of clients including: private colleges, health conferences,corporates, sports teams, individual athletes and the media.

In her spare time Kira is undertaking her Masters of Sports Nutrition,competes in Ironman triathlon and practices what she preaches.