Recipe: Baked Apple & Raspberry Oatmeal

By Roberta Nelson

24 Jul 2019

With complex carbs, protein and healthy fats, this grab ā€˜nā€™ go breakfast is the perfect way to start the day.

Energy in equals energy out so you want to make sure what you put in at the start of your day is what is going to give that good hit. 

I always recommend building your breakfast with a focus on complex carbohydrates for sustained, slow-release energy and then add some good protein and a small hit of healthy fats. This combination means your body and mind will be humming all morning long. 

The issue most people run into when making good food choices in the morning is - time. The simple fact that many of us are busy and lack the luxury of sitting down to a prepared breakfast means we reach for ‘quick and easy’ options which can often be the unhealthier option. 

Breakfast cereals, bars, supplement drinks and grab ’n’ go snacks can be energy dense but nutrient low meaning you can be left hungry and flat well before lunch time rolls around. 

This baked oatmeal combats the issue of time by being completely ready-made for your weekly morning meal. All you need to do is dedicate 10 minutes of mixing time and one hour of baking time and then you’re good to go. 

Once done, dish it up into food containers so you can have your grab ’n’ go breakfast every day of the week. 

It is packed full of complex carbs, protein-rich and pumped up with healthy fats - the perfect combination to get your morning off to a better start

Gluten-free option, dairy-free option

Makes 6 servings




How to make

Roberta's tips